Business & Finance Training
Help provide skills for life!
By providing entrepreneurship skills to our vocational graduates we can create more resiliency and long-lasting economic empowerment.
The problem
While many countries have seen a growing focus on gender equality legislation, there still remains a great deal of institutional and social barriers to economic independence for women, and limited opportunities for work. Yet all the research shows that when women are economically empowered, not only do they and their family thrive, but the whole community does too.
In our ten years offering vocational training to women, we realised that there was something else women needed to thrive and empower themselves economically. Alongside vocational skills, women need business and financial literacy training to complement their skillset and succeed in business.
The solution
We found that graduates do better when they combine vocational training with basic business and financial literacy skills. Therefore, we partnered with local financial inclusion experts to develop entrepreneurship classes that we offer at the end of our vocational courses, or as stand alone classes to give our graduates the best possible chance of success.
Trainees learn how to evaluate their market, form a business plan, manage finances and understand the legal requirements of starting and running a business. We also cover access to finance and micro-lending.
As this training has proven crucial, we are now scaling it up in two ways: we have launched a ‘Train the Trainer’ pilot programme, and we have digitised the content so it is accessible anytime, anywhere. Here you can find out more about our Digital Academy.
women have attended our business and financial literacy training, completing their skillset to succeed in business
“Thank you Mayamiko Trust for the training you gave me. You built my entrepreneurial foundation and gave me motivation to do beyond what I thought I could do.”
“The initiative is important because its providing entrepreneurship knowledge to everyone despite their education background: It’s inclusive.”
Join the community
We hope you will support us with this urgent work: many women rely on agriculture for their income, and they are increasingly economically vulnerable as the effects of climate change become more extreme. This training is essential to create more resiliency among women and ensure long lasting economic empowerment. We are raising funds to roll out our Train the Trainer courses across a number of countries. We welcome sponsors who can help support us achieve that.
Access business and finance resources
We have XXXX in many languages to support you during this crisis, you can access them via the Download Resources button. You can also visit the Learning Zone for our digital course.