We’re taking teaching online.
With mobile phones now ubiquitous across Africa and the developing world, we are working hard to make our educational materials shareable.
The problem
In 2020, traditional teaching and learning patterns were disrupted all over the world, with students and teachers unable to gather in the same space due to Covid. Women and girls were particularly affected: with limited access to vocational training and schools, many struggled to make ends meet and were left vulnerable and exposed to abuse. As if that wasn’t hard enough, many women who rely on agriculture for their business are facing growing economic vulnerability because of extreme weather effects of climate change.
The events of 2020 have also accelerated digitalisation around the world, and we saw an opportunity to make our learning materials available to as many people as possible using digital channels.
At Mayamiko Trust, we believe that nothing should stand in the way of education. This is why we are working hard to make all of our educational content available digitally, so it can be accessed anywhere, anytime, by our beneficiaries. With access to mobile phones widespread, mobile technologies offer a fantastic opportunity to support entrepreneurs and society in general - at scale. A growing number of people are also already using WhatsApp and FaceBook to communicate or run their business, even within rural areas, lowering the barriers to education by allowing us to share training content easily. Affordable data bundles mean that through voice messaging, images and videos, training can also reach those who cannot read or write and can be translated to local languages.
So far we have released digital training on Business and Financial Literacy, Natural Dyes, we have created digital flashcards to share Covid prevention and awareness content, and are finalising video modules on Covid Awareness and Feminine Health.
We follow a ‘train the trainer’ model, and we are running a blended learning pilot for our Business and Financial Literacy course, training five trainers, who then went on to train ten learners each, utilising a blend of in person and digital learning. This pilot is currently ongoing; we will share its evaluation and findings as soon as available.
digital learning modules created in 2020
“The main thing I learned is how to turn into a business step by step. How to run it in the right way and the loan opportunities that are available. ”
Help us develop our digital training programmes
Do you have existing learning content that you would like to share digitally? Would you like to volunteer some of your time to help us translate lessons, or record video content in local languages? Would you like to discuss an educational partnership?
“With the market analysis you taught us I’ve been able to plan out businesses I will do next year knowing that they are not so viable right now because of the weather and other factors. I would have probably jumped on it already if not have been taught about the market analysis. ”
Access our digital resources
Visit the Mayamiko Learning Zone to start enjoying bitesize lessons or full courses, in your own time, using a mobile phone or a computer. You can learn at your own pace, alone or in groups: the choice is yours! More courses will be added regularly, so keep checking in!
You can also get a feel for our digital resources by clicking the download button below.