Case study - bringing the light
An interview with Rose, our millionaire solar light seller
When Rose joined the Mayamiko Trust 'Bringing the Light' initiative, she was a 29 year old mother of three and quickly became the leading sales agent, just two months after receiving sales training from SunnyMoney and Mayamiko Trust.
Mayamiko Trust provided not only the training but also the capital required for Rose to start her business, including the purchase of her first batch of lights.
In her first two months as agent, Rose sold 41 lights at K22,000 bringing in a revenue of K902,000 of which K82,000 is profit. Lights are sold following a 'Pay As You Go' model (PAYG). An automated system allows to remotely switch off lights if customers default or exceed payment terms.
We sat down with Rose to talk about her journey so far, and learn from her experience.
What is the strategy behind your success?
After getting my sample I would leave it overnight with a potential customer for demonstration purposes and I would come back in the morning to collect it, by this time the customer would already be convinced of how well this light works and I would also tell them that this light charges phones as well, by this time the sale would be a done deal. People also love this light because it is affordable as payments are made in instalments.
How do you handle your cashflow, since the light you sell is paid for in instalments?
Lights get switched off automatically when monthly payments are not made, this ensures that payments are made in time. I keep records for each sale I make in order to track down customers' payment days, I then go around collecting payments when they are due and bring the lights back to Mayamiko Trust for reactivation if needed.
Would you say that the needs of your customers are being met?
Definitely, since most of my customers do not have electricity in their homes and had previously been using candles for lighting but now they have a reliable source of light and don’t have to buy candles everyday. Kids have light to read and study, and families don't have to use kerosene which can cause cough and other health issues. And since this light can also charge phones, people save money by not paying to get their phones charged in charging shops.
What kind of feedback do you get from your customers?
Very positive, most of them say that this light is very bright and lights up for a long time before becoming dim when fully charged and like I said its these same customers who encourage their friends to buy, this wouldn’t be happening if this light wasn’t any good.
How has this business improved your life?
This business has given me hope for the future as I know that I can now afford essential things which I previously couldn’t. For example I am keeping the money I make from this business to bring in running water to my house.
“Most of my customers do not have electricity in their homes and had previously been using candles for lighting but now they have a reliable source of light and don’t have to buy candles everyday. Kids have light to read and study, and families don’t have to use kerosene which can cause cough and other health issues. And since this light can also charge phones, people save money by not paying to get their phones charged in charging shops.”